Why You Should Hire An Attorney
Once you begin to understand the complexities of SSD & SSI claims, it will soon be clear that you have a lot of work ahead of you. There are so many factors involved in a successful disability benefits claim, many feel overwhelmed. When a claim is denied, you will have another round of battle on your hands.
Hiring an SSD attorney will help you build your case in a way that is more likely to convince the Social Security Administration that you have a genuine need. Below are some of the most compelling reasons for hiring an SSD attorney.
Social Security Disability Claim Denials
The sad fact is, approximately 70% of all SSD claims are denied on the initial application. Over 50% of SSD claims have been denied in previous decades due to poor quality of evidence or a technicality. Having a Florida social security disability attorney in your corner will greatly increase your chances of a successful disability claim in these cases.
SSD Lawyer Experience
A qualified and experienced SSD benefits attorney will know how to help you with either the application or appeals process. The further on in the appeals process you are, the more complex the arguments and weight of evidence becomes. Judges typically deal in strictly legal terms, so having an attorney to frame your supporting evidence from a legal perspective is incredibly beneficial.
Disability Lawyers With Proven Results
Hiring an experienced attorney has been proven to produce results. Not only is the chance of winning greatly increased, a social security disability lawyer can also work to expedite the application or appeals process. These results are not achieved by chance. For instance, the SSD attorneys from Southeast Disability Advocates take an educational-based approach to comprehensively present cases for disability benefits.
Disability Lawyers Providing Professional & Ethical Service
SSD attorneys are bound by a code of ethics outlined by the Supreme Court of their respective states. That aside, the team at Southeast Disability Advocates have earned the trust of their many clients over the 20+ years we have been serving in the industry. We share a personal code of ethics that always puts our client’s needs first.
Free Consultation
We cannot speak for every Social Security Disability lawyer or firm, but at Southeast Disability Advocates, we believe you have the right to try before you buy. That means we provide a free consultation which will give you the opportunity to explain the circumstances of your disability case and ask any questions you may have.